About My Brother's Keeper

In this bold and brave book Author Rickie Clark takes an honest look at our educational systems’ ability to address and meet the cultural and educational needs of children of color.
This book is a compilation of short essays and life lessons for the African-American male. It consists of some special life events compiled to give hope, help and guidance to African American males.

About Rickie Clark
Rickie Clark has a special skill set for his distinctive approach and a passion for helping underserved communities. He is an Educational Consultant, Author and the Executive Director of the Fort Worth Independent School District’s My Brother’s Keeper program; initiated by former President Barack Obama in 2014. He is a dynamic and influential motivator who uses a unique approach as he works with young men of color. That approach has proven successful through his Strategies to Elevate People (STEP) program. Clark travels throughout the United States designing, implementing and coordinating programs that aid youth through self-development and cultural education.